Thursday 29 December 2011

USA/Jack Union Backpacks

We've brought in the latest trend of
USA/Jack Union Backpacks!

Bugis sells them at $29.90, and we sell ours@

 Black USA Backpack
Height 43cm, Breadth 33cm, Width 13.5cm

 Black Jack Union Backpack
Height 43cm, Breadth 33 cm, Width 13.5cm

 Blue USA Backpack (Striped)
Height 44cm, Breadth 35cm, Width 12cm

 Blue Vintage Jack Union Backpack
Height 44cm, Breadth 35cm, Width 12cm

Blue Vintage USA Backpack
Height 44cm, Breadth 35cm, Width 12cm

Blue Jack Union Backpack
Height 44cm, Breadth 35cm, Width 12cm

Please order in this format:
<Quantity><Item Name>

For example:
2 Black Jack Union Backpack

Credits to my supplier! :)